- Credit Card
This payment option is inmediate, easy and safe. When finish your order, you will be able to pay on the bank page.
You are able to use Visa, Visa Electron 4B, Euro6000, MasterCard, American Express and Maestro Internacional.
LAM will not receive these data and will not have access to them. You can link as many cards as you want to your user account, in order to make orders faster. An order per card can be paid into the next hour to your order confirm. After that time, if payment does not take place, the order will be cancelled authomatically.
- Bank Transfer (SEPA)
Bank Transfer (SEPA) is a regular bank transfer from your bank account to ours. Your bank can take several business days to release the payment. Once we confirm payment reception on our account, your order will start to be processed and you will be notified by email. This payment method does not guarantee the selected delivery time.
When you have completed your order, and we have confirmed the payment, you will receive an email with the order data, and a copy of your bill in digital format. Additionally, you will receive also another impressed copy at the billing address that you indicated us.
This General Payment Conditions (GPC) will be applied to all of the services offered by LAM.
Users who make orders in www.laseramedida.com fully accept this GPC and will stay linked by them, as if they were written at the procurement/buying moment.
It will be indispensable requirement to read and acceptance of the GPC, previously to the adquisition of any product in www.laseramedida.com.
LAM is able to modify the GPC at any moment and without previous notification. The GPC will always be accessible from the website, in order to users be able to check them or impress them at any moment.
Prices and selling conditions just have informative purpose and can be modified depending on market flow. However, the order formalization by the shopping process means, implies fully conformity with the offered price and with the general selling conditions in that moment. Once the order is formalized, the legal buy will be understood as perfected, with all the legal guarantees that protects the buyer customer and, since that moment, prices and conditions will have contractual character and will not be able to be modified without both parts agreement. Anyway, payment will be in advanced as an indispensable requirement to the order formalization.
Language for contract formalizing will be Spanish. The digital document which contains the formalized contract will be stored and user will have access to it from the user website area.
LAM will be able to deny and/or cancel access to the services offered in www.laseramedida.com because of good contractual faith violation reasons, legal application unfulfilment, of this General Selling Conditions and/or in supossed detected fraud by this company and/or anyone of their providers.
Spanish version of this Billing and Payment Policy is the legally binding version in case of any inconsistency between Spanish version and any other language translation.
Current legislation compliance is one of our distinguishing mark. Because of that, we review annually our Billing and Payment Policy, and we proceed to its updating when there are changes in legislation or any of our procedures. This information has been reviewed and updated last time by October 14th 2021, making old and not applicable any other previous version.